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How Do Narcissists Use Future Faking to Lure Romantic Partners?
Narcissist’s most prominent courting technique is to make promises related to an idealized vision of the future that is highly unlikely to come true.
Often, relationships follow a predictable pattern. People date, meet each other’s friends, get to know each other’s families. Over time, they may become more serious, perhaps move in together or get engaged or perhaps they decide it isn’t a good match and break up. There are different versions of the basic pattern but usually people don’t make serious plans for a future spent together until both people are committed to the relationship.
However, people with narcissistic personality disorder do not carry out a normal courtship. They are so focused on winning you over that they speed everything up and increase the intensity. It is a bit like dating when you’ve had way too much espresso. Everything that a normal couple does over time, the narcissist makes happen in one or two dates.
They don’t stop to wonder if the two of you are a good match. Their concern is whether or not you are someone they can control, who will be loyal and serve their needs. In particular, this means respecting, supporting, admiring, complimenting them, and acknowledging…