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Narcissistic Mothers Steal, Throw Out, Destroy or Give Away Your Belongings to Maintain Control and Dominance Over You
Narcissistic mothers assume that their children’s possessions are theirs to do with as they please and they enjoy the reaction they get from making sure their children don’t get to keep them.
One thing that drives the children of a narcissistic mother crazy is that they have no respect for their children’s belongings. Just as they see others, especially their children, as an extension of themselves, they see their children’s belongings as things that are actually owned by them.
I have heard stories told by children raised by a narcissist mother that are painful to listen to. These mothers will sell their children’s belongings, keeping the money as their own, give away their possessions even when they are brand new, steal and use their credit card, cash savings bonds given to the child as a gift which are made out in the child’s and parents name because the child is a minor, drain their bank accounts, steal their jewelry, ruin their things through neglect or by purposely breaking them, and worse. When they do these things, they may say that because the child left it with them it is theirs.