Member-only story
Newbreak Tells Content Creators How Best to Help Them Without Any Mention of What’s Most Important to Us
In their coffee break session, they provided data and how to apply it to better please the readers and raise Newsbreaks reputation, without raising or entertaining questions about compensation or increased earnings
Once more, Newsbreak is pulling the wool over creators eyes. I must say they have gotten quite adept at doing it and heir slight of hand often goes undetected by those attending their meetings. They so carefully direct and control what can be discussed and asked that they never are put in the uncomfortable position of having to address any of the problems their model and constant changes to what they want from creators cause us.
It just takes one look at the earnings tab though, for me to remember this ploy. While intending to appear as if they are helping the creators is helping them by gaining them readers which doesn’t translante into increased earnings for us. Though each month or two they provide new information that will supposedly help us be more “successful,” and gain “new readers.”