Thanks for the feedback and for putting things into perspective, Donnell. I agree with you 100 percent. I have a several submissions currently out for literary magazines and usually submitted several each past year, some years more some less. Most come back as a no and you’re right many of those don’t respond when it’s a no. So a few days also seems extremely fast to me. I think trying to remember that Medium is unique and even though it’s possible to hit publish and publish something on your own page, like you would a blog, if you want to be in a publication it just takes a couple of days perhaps longer depending on the publication like it would if you submitted to a journal or magazine outside Medium. But you also get rewards and benefits from publishing in the publications here included increased viewership which leads to the opportunity to gain more readers and fans than you normally would at least on a beginning blog. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for adding the photo! You make good points.