This has so much useful information about how writers should view different types of platforms and making sure that the goals they have for writing on on is achieveable. You are right in terms of writing on News Break not growing either your expertise or extending your reach. The main thing you can learn on News Break that is different from Medium is some basic SEO since that is necessary on the site compared to Medium where it isn't - at least for earnings.
The main thing you can get from News Break is earnings. Like Medium though it does seem to have a very small minority who are making a ton of money and then there's a group making the minimum or maximum (depending on which contract they are on - the monetization model has switched and with some work you can make more than you did before but still not necessariy a fortune. I'd say 2,000 to 3,000 a month is achievable for many or even most if they understand the platform and learn about some basic SEO which they can pick up through the FB groups).
Then there are others who either aren't publishing the amount they need to or don't understand the specifics of their contract who aren't making that amount.
I also have had problems with the platform on several occasions and have been in extended contact with them since I joined four an a half months ago. I have ammassed a lot of info as to how to make the maximum earnings they guarantee by contract.
In terms of page views which can add significantly more to your base pay I agree from my experience and that of others in the two News Break groups I belong to that sometimes you may have a viral article but most will flop because of the distribution model which is AI controlled (like most of the site).
If any of your readers want to contact me regarding the current state of writing for News Break or how to apply (and you do a good job here of explaining what to do if they've already been turned done - dead on the money) they are welcome to do so.
Thanks for putting this all in a single article for readers to access.